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Quality resources for AQA A-Level Law and Philosophy.
Fatal Offences Against the Person - Revision notes for A-Level Law

Fatal Offences Against the Person - Revision notes for A-Level Law

This resource contains a list of all the relevant information students need to know for the following offences and defences: Murder Loss of Control Diminished Responsibility Unlawful Act Manslaughter Gross Negligence Manslaughter For each, there is a list of cases/statutory authorities which cover all that students need to know about, summed up concisely yet exhaustively. Perfect for last-minute revision.
Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person - Revision notes for A-Level Law

Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person - Revision notes for A-Level Law

This resource contains a list of all the relevant information students need to know for the following offences: Simple assault Battery Assault/battery occasioning actual bodily harm Unlawful and malicious wounding or inflicting grevious bodily harm Unlawful and malicious wounding or inflicting grevious bodily harm with intent to cause grevious bodily harm For each offence, there is a list of cases which cover all that students need to know about the actus reus and mens rea of the offences, summed up concisely yet exhaustively. Perfect for last-minute revision.